Doom Wiki
Into Cerberon

The Main Title of the Mod Itself.

Into Cerberon is a modification of Doom 3. The project aims to bring the gameplay of the definitive 6-degrees-of-freedom game, Descent, into the industrial gloom. Fly around the interiors of mines, refineries, research centres, and other industro-technical environments with full six degrees of freedom control: roll, tilt, yaw, and slide in all directions. Battle with your friends in pitch-black tunnels in the multiplayer action, or take on robots infected with a terrible nanovirus plague in the singleplayer campaign. An array of powerful weapons are at your command; from the humble lasers (not so humble once upgraded) and mundane concussion misssile to the fantastic Fusion Cannon and tremendous Mega Missile. Awe your foes as electric bolts leap from your ElectroHull, or give new meaning to the phrase "bad sunburn" with the insidious UV-8 Ultraviolet Emitter. Feel the kickback of the powerful AutoCannon as it hammers your target, or the heat from the Flamethrower as it fries armour plate like chicken wings. The game itself describes itself as Descent Remade.


The development of the project started right after the Doom 3 release, making it into a completely unique design different from the actual game itself. It was announced in 2005, with a release a year later with the Alpha, Beta and then a final version in 2007 despite the 0.00 type version.

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