Doom Wiki

What's the intention for this page? The choice of URLs seems fairly arbitrary. Plans to categorise?

That would be the best way to do it. I've been compiling a huge list of Doom sites for my own links page, but currently only in a loose alphabetical order, not by category. If I find time, I'll try to sort them into a usable format. - DooMAD 20:12, 21 Mar 2005 (EST)
I decided that I have neither the time or the patience to sort 276 sites into suitable categories. Instead, I opted for a simple text document that I can update as required. I know it's not ideal wiki style, but I found it too much of a subjective matter to decide what category to put something in, or even what the categories themselves should be. - DooMAD 18:48, 20 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Criteria for websites?[]

If people do begin writing articles on more websites, it would make sense to have a criteria list for suitable sites, much in the same way as the criteria for people list. I've abandoned all hope of organising every Doom site into a suitable category, so it makes sense to restrict articles to the most relevant or popular sites. - DooMAD 19:25, 19 Aug 2005 (UTC)

I think this might prove more difficult to write than the people criteria :) -- 12:06, 21 Aug 2005 (UTC)
It would be worth the effort though, as there are still plenty of decent websites that need to be listed, like MancuNET, Doom Depot and other decent ones. - DooMAD 17:24, 27 Aug 2005 (UTC)

Doom Power[]

Do you think we should link to (/create an article for) Doom Power here? It's certainly a notable russian Doom site, but it features some warez links - at least the Doom movie soundtrack is downloadable there as MP3. Janizdreg 21:38, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
